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Bathing In Light

Bathing cleanses the mind and body and leaves one refreshed and inspired. My hope is that when you experience “Bathing In Light” you’ll feel a sense of ease and for a moment escape from their endless stream of thoughts and worries. I hope you leave feeling energized and revitalized. 


For me this exhibit takes something that I was afraid of as a kid, darkness, and makes it into something to be embraced and celebrated. Through color, light, and sound I wanted to create a space that evokes the feeling you get when listening to your favorite song. I pushed myself to work with materials that were out of my comfort zone and by doing so I created this series that kept growing and changing in ways that I could never have predicted. I found that I have created a world that comforts my inner child and lights up the darkness of this unpredictable and sometimes scary world we live in.

Click on the link to hear the "Bathing In Light" playlist.

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